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Gynecologic oncology

Leading specialist:

Vladimir Y. Shchukin

Head of the oncology department (gynecologic oncology), doctor of the highest category



Michail O. Vozdvizhensky

Deputy chief physician of medical work, M.D. Ph.D., professor of oncology department of Samara State Medical University, doctor of the highest category


Taking care of women's health!

Over the past decades, there has been a steady trend towards the increase of the numbers of oncological diseases in the world and in our country. Since the foundation of Samara Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary (SRCOD) works gynecologic oncology department. The Department employs doctors of the highest and first category who have trained in the leading clinics of Russian Federation.  For diagnostic purposes, the most modern methods and laboratory tests including molecular genetic tests are used. Modern methods of treatment using endoscopic, laparoscopic techniques and other minimally invasive technologies and organ-preserving techniques are used.
The department works in close cooperation with all departments of the dispensary, including consultative and diagnostic departments, laboratory departments, as well as radiotherapy, chemotherapy and rehabilitation departments.
The Department of gynecologic oncology provides surgical treatment for patients with malignant, precancerous and benign tumors of the female reproductive system, as well as a comprehensive examination to identify pathological processes.
The Department treats patients not only from Samara and Samara region, but also from Kazakhstan, Penza, Orenburg, Saratov, and Ulyanovsk.

Our goal is to provide treatment according to the latest world standards, to preserve and restore a woman's health!

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