Leading specialist:
Head of the rehabilitation department, M.D., Ph.D., doctor of the highest category
Deputy chief physician of medical prevention, rehabilitation and public relations, candidate of medical sciences, associate professor of oncology department of Samara State Medical University, doctor of the highest category
In the rehabilitation department of Samara Regional Clinical Oncology Dispensary (SRCOD) physical methods, massage and physical therapy are used at all stages of anticancer treatment in order to prevent postoperative complications, eliminate the negative consequences of chemo-and hormone therapy, and to treat concomitant diseases
Individual comprehensive rehabilitation programs are prepared taking into account the specifics of the disease, performed treatment, patient-safety and are performed by highly qualified specialists using the latest medical equipment.
After the consultation with the doctor of the rehabilitation department, where for each patient the individual rehabilitation plan is developed, the patient starts the rehabilitation. Unique physiotherapy procedures bring significant relief to patients. Pneumomassage, magneto-laser therapy, thermal therapy, systems "Hivamat", "Limphavision", "Limphamat" are used. These procedures improve the condition of tissues, blood and lymph circulation, reduce inflammation and pain.
Along with the listed means of rehabilitation, the rehabilitation department widely use the methods of behavioral psychotherapy. Among them, one of the most famous is the Simont method. The patient is taught the Jacobson's relaxation technique and then the technique of directed visualization.
With the help of professional psychotherapists and psychologists the methods of psychological rehabilitation and psychocorrection are used. Art therapy – treatment with the help of art: drawing, theater, music, crafts.
Art therapy (art therapy) is a rapidly developing field of psychotherapy and psychological correction that combines various approaches.