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Cancer screening programs

According to the World Health Organization, over the next 20 years the number of new cases of cancer will increase.  30% of all cancers can be prevented, by cancer screening programs!

Cancer screening programs are comprehensive preventive measures to assess the health status, to detect precancerous diseases or early-stage cancer.


You should carefully pay attention to your health if:

  • You are over 35 years old
  • Your relatives have cancer
  • You are tobacco or alcohol abuse
  • You live or work in bad environmental conditions
  • You have some extra weight
  • You have chronic diseases


Cancer screening programs for men


Express program for men (3.5 hours)

Complete blood count and urinalysis

iFOB test

Determination of serum tumor marker – PSA

Chest x-ray

Thyroid, abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examination

Otorhinolaryngologist consultation

Oncologist consultation

Price of the program – 23 190 rubles.


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Standard program for men (4.5 hours)

Complete blood count and urinalysis

iFOB test

Determination of serum tumor marker – PSA

Chest x-ray

Thyroid, abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examination



Otorhinolaryngologist consultation

Oncologist consultation

Price of the program – 30 860 rubles.


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Cancer screening programs for women

Express program for women (3.5 hours)

Complete blood count and urinalysis

iFOB test

Determination of serum tumor marker CA-125

Chest x-ray

Thyroid, breast, abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examination

Gynecologist consultation

Cervical cytology (Pap test)


Otorhinolaryngologist consultation

Oncologist consultation

Price of the program – 34 300 rubles.


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Standard program for women (4.5 hours)

Complete blood count and urinalysis

iFOB test

Determination of serum tumor marker CA-125

Chest x-ray

Thyroid, abdominal and pelvic ultrasound examination

Oncogynecologist consultation

Cervical cytology (Pap test)




Otorhinolaryngologist consultation

Oncologist consultation

Price of the program – 42 620 rubles.


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Proper preparation for your medical examination can help you get the most out of your consultation. So here are the recommendations we strongly recommend you to follow.


Preparation for the abdominal ultrasound examination. Three days before the procedure you should exclude from your diet - black bread, milk, peas, beans, cabbage, fresh vegetables, fruits and sweet dishes. One day before the ultrasound examination, please take 2 capsules of "Espumizan" 3 times a day and 4 capsules at the day of examination (total - 10 capsules). Please don`t eat anything before the procedure and bring your towel with you.


Preparation for the pelvic ultrasound examination.Please administer yourself the cleansing enema the night before the study. 1.0-1.5 hours prior to the procedure, you should drink 3 glasses of water and do not urinate. For the procedure please bring your towel with you and a condom.


Preparation for the breast ultrasound examination. The procedure is performed during the first phase of the menstrual cycle (5 — 12 day of the cycle from the beginning of menstruation).


Preparation for the prostate ultrasound examination. 1.0-1.5 hours prior the procedure you should drink 3 glasses of water and do not urinate. In the morning, before the ultrasound examination, please administer yourself the cleansing enema (clean the rectum).


Preparation for the esophagogastroduodenoscopy. Please don`t eat anything before the procedure, we also recommend you not to smoke. If you need to take some medications, please take them not less than 40 minutes before the procedure and drink only still water. On the evening before the procedure (till 20.00) have a light dinner. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with 10% lidocaine solution. In case of intolerance to this anesthetic please inform your doctor in advance. After the procedure, you should not drink or eat for 30 minutes. After the biopsy, the food you, are eating on the day of the examination, should not be hot. Please bring large clean towel and all medical documents from the previous examinations (if you have any).



Preparation for the colonoscopy. Two days before the procedure you should follow the recommended diet - boiled white fish, chicken, eggs, cheese, white bread, butter, cookies, potatoes. Drink enough liquid - up to 2.5 liters per day (if there are no diseases in which heavy drinking is contraindicated). You should not eat fruits and berries with seeds, red meat, vegetables, cereals, salad, mushrooms, nuts, grain bread, sweets.

One day before the procedure: in the morning have a light breakfast consisting of the recommended products. After Breakfast and till the end of the procedure you should not take solid food, only drink.

In there is the presence of diseases of the rectum or colon, it is necessary to consult with oncologist or endoscopist about the preparation.


Preparation for the determination of serum tumor marker – PSA. Blood sampling is performed strictly on an empty stomach, the last meal should be no earlier than 8 hours before the test.

- it is necessary to refrain from sexual contacts for 5-7 days;

-after the prostate massage, finger rectal examination, transrectal ultrasound, biopsy, laser therapy, ergometry, cystoscopy, colonoscopy, bladder catheterization or after any other mechanical effects on the prostate blood sampling can be performed no earlier than 2 weeks.


Preparation for the determination of serum tumor marker CA-125. Blood sampling is performed strictly on an empty stomach, the last meal should be no earlier than 8 hours before the test. Special preparation is not required.


Preparation for the Cervical cytology (Pap test). Pap test is performed on the 6-7 day of the menstrual cycle. However, if necessary, it is possible to perform this procedure on other days of the menstrual cycle (except periods of ovulation and menstruation). To obtain the reliable results of the procedure, the day before the Pap test please refrain from sexual contacts, the use of vaginal creams, suppositories and douching.


Preparation for the colposcopy. It is recommended to perform the procedure after menstruation on the first 2-4 days. In the case when the examination is scheduled, but the woman gets her period, the procedure should be postponed. 2 days prior to colposcopy you should refrain from sexual contacts, the use of vaginal creams, suppositories, tablets and douching



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